

Thresholds are the space between, when we move from one time to another, as in the threshold of dawn to day or of dusk to dark; one space to another, as in times of inner or outer journeying or pilgrimage; and one awareness to another, as in times when our old structures start to fall away and we begin to build something new. The Celts describe thresholds as “thin times or places” where heaven and earth are closer together and the veil between worlds is thin.

— Christine Paintner

Ritual is the secret key to the whole puzzle.

Ritual is what I do. Ritual is how I know myself in the world. It’s what has allowed me to feel more at home in my body and on this planet. It’s through active participation with ritual and season, that I’ve come to feel deeply on my path and in the drivers seat…

This is an opportunity for you to create and participate with the rituals that will fuel you for years to come. In creating rituals through deep conversation with ourselves and the natural world, we come to learn about “our place in the family of things” — it is an opportunity to experience deep belonging.

Join me in crafting a map of rituals for yourself that will serve you through the winter, for years to come.


A Practice of Presence

End of year cycles are potent thresholds to honor what has passed before us and move consciously towards what lays ahead of us. Throughout our 4 weeks together, you will create a roadmap that leads you through the portal and into your new year with clarity and vision.

Moving Through Time

Moving through time is a participatory practice - if we so choose. Time will move forward with or without us. But we want to play a role in the ways in which the current flows. Through orientation and using time as personal religion, we can orient ourselves in the direction of our dreams.

What to expect:

As we move through the portal of Autumn to Winter, we prepare ourselves for the long, dark, inward and feminine season. It is a time of deep magic and dreams. It is a time to envision and see the light that burns from within. Winter offers us our deepest imagination, if only we have the courage to look.

Throughout our 7 sessions together, you will have opportunity to bring to light what it is that your heart calls to. Our work will be in listening and witnessing; calling up and out of ourselves what it is we yearn for. Making ritual of all it is that we wish to bring into our lives and let go of. And then, greatest of all, we make create a map to get us where it is we want to go; how it is we can make our hearts sing.

Wednesday & Fridays:

Theory & Ritual days

We will meditate & breathe, ritualize the moment, journal, and create the map.

We will use the magic square, Celtic mythology & their understanding of time, astrology, and more.


Asana days

We will bring it into the body through Yoga Asana - Becoming the map ourselves.


  • Wednesday November 24 (Theory & Ritual)

  • Saturday November 27 (Asana)

  • Friday December 3 (New Moon / Theory & Ritual)

  • Saturday December 4 (Asana)

  • Wednesday, December 8 (Theory & Ritual)

  • Saturday December 11 (Asana)

  • Friday December 17 (Full Moon / Theory & Ritual)

Wednesdays & Fridays: 12pm - 12:45pm

Saturdays 10am - 10:45am

Show up just as you are. Dress comfortably and have a notebook nearby.

All session are recorded and available for replay.